Band-Aid &(RED) Brand Partnership

Agency / Role
The Integer Group / Account Planner

Brand Strategy, Brand Messaging, Packaging Design, Copywriting, Creative Direction, Shopper Marketing Strategy


Integer was tapped to develop the marketing strategy for a BAND-AID and Product(RED) brand partnership. Our goal was to develop a dedicated product and retail activation that would drive category growth and establish a strong foundation for the BAND-AID and (RED) partnership. 

Strategic Approach

As a core member of the BAND-AID client team as an Account Planner, I leveraged cultural trends and consumer/shopper insights to develop the strategy and shape creative development for the BAND-AID and (RED) partnership. 

The Spark: Brands and causes ranging from the Women's March to Livestrong have inspired collective action through badge value - creating a physical symbol that helps unite use and makes us feel as though we're a part of something bigger. 

The Strategy: Inspire people to join BAND-AID and (RED) in the fight to end aids by creating a symbol for collective action. 

The Idea: Band Together, End Aids 


The BAND-AID and (RED) partnership successfully kicked off with the launch of the new (BAND-AID)RED bandages, which were sold into nationwide retailers including Amazon and Walmart. The sale of each box of BAND-AIDS contributes 20 cents to the US Fund for the Global Fund, which can provide enough for one day of life-saving HIV medication.